Unused – Green Issues
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Watford Cycle Hub – Bike Re-Cycling
We gladly accept your old bikes (the ones that have been cluttering up the back of your garden for years!) and recycle them, salvaging what we can. In turn we also sell affordable reconditioned bikes and bike parts.
Bikeworks CIC – Bike Re-Cycling
We recycle & refurbish used and abandoned bikes so that they can be re used or when this isn’t possible materials (steel, aluminium) are put into the recycling system.
- Friends of the Earth
Making life better for people by inspiring solutions to environmental problems.
- Giveacar And make a difference
Giveacar supports the Car free movement. Our service can help reduce car usage. It gives people an ethical means of vehicle disposal, and will contribute to the reduction of cars on UK roads. We aim to lessen people’s dependence on their cars, and thus contribute to environmental sustainability.
- GreenSTAT
Is a system that gives local residents the opportunity to comment on the quality of their open spaces and how well they feel they are being managed and maintained. It allows site managers to compare the results with others up and down the country to give a truly national voice of what we think about our open spaces.
- Natural England Rights of Way
Report highlights a new way ahead for old public rights of way
Representatives of the key national interests in public rights of way united today in delivering a ground-breaking set of recommendations to Government designed to improve the law and procedures concerning old public rights of way.
The Group’s report – Stepping Forward – is a blueprint for wide-ranging change that would deliver real benefits for the general public, landowners, farmers and local authorities alike.
- Open Spaces Society
Protecting open spaces, common land, village greens and public paths in England & Wales.
Britain’s oldest conservation society
Our aim is to protect, increase, enhance and champion the common land, village greens, open spaces and public rights of way in England and Wales, and the public’s right to enjoy them.
If you know of a blocked public path or encroachment on common land, or you want to register a ‘new’ green, we can help you, once you have joined the society.
- Re~Cycle – Relieving Poverty by Taking Bikes to New Territories
Re~Cycle’s mission is to collect second-hand bicycles and ship them to Africa. Our partners distribute bikes and teach riders the skills to repair and maintain them. Our bikes also help health/AIDS workers reach remote villages and even provide an ambulance service in remote Namibia.
- Stop Climate Change Coalition
The UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action on climate change and limiting its impact on the world’s poorest communities. Our combined supporter base of more than 11 million people spans over 100 organisations, from environment and development charities to unions, faith, community and women’s groups. Together we demand practical action by the UK to prevent global warming rising beyond the 2 degrees C danger threshold.
- 20’s Plenty For Us
Formed in order to campaign for the implementation of 20 mph as the default speed limit on residential roads in the UK.