Members’ Routes Feedback

We’d like to hear from you if you find an error in the information or route and, if you are a member, have a route you would like to share to be enjoyed by other cyclists.

For errors please send as much information as possible, including the ride number, to

If you have a route you would like to submit to the library, please send a GPX file for the route to If you don’t have a GPX file please provide the information that would allow someone else to follow the route on a map and we may be able to (though can’t promise!) create the GPX file for you. If your ride was recorded on Strava then we may be able to download the GPX route from Strava. If a route significantly overlaps with an existing route, we may decide not to load the route as this will unnecessarily over-complicate the map. Please provide a title for your route that will help others identify it as one they may be interested in.

Any information that you have about the route, such as points of interest or refreshment stops, will be useful to other riders. If you pass this on it will be added to the information about your route.