From 6.30pm
Watford Council Cycling Discussion
Meet at West Herts College, Business Lounge, Hempstead Road, Watford (next to the Leisure Centre behind the Town Hall)
WD17 3EZ
Click here for Spokes Power Point Presentation
Join Roger and other Members at the Forum starting 6.30 pm, socialising and light refreshment before hand
The Forum is a regular opportunity for Watford council to consult on cycling provision in Watford. It is well attended by cyclists, Watford and Hertfordshire Councillors and Officers. At this forum there will be a Spokes presentation on the findings of our Cycle Ride around Watford to explore potential “quiet routes” for cyclists, with Councillors and Officers. The Power Point Presentation is on this web site, follow the link above to view.
If you wish to attend and are not on the email list for Forum notifications from Watford Town Hall please email, or telephone: 01923 278077, to book a place and be included on the mailing list.
Forum Agenda
1. Welcome, introduction and objectives of meeting - Peter Taylor - 5 mins, 6.30–6.35pm
2. Watford’s bike share scheme: getting ready to launch - Beryl Bikes,
1. Welcome, introduction and objectives of meeting - Peter Taylor - 5 mins, 6.30–6.35pm
2. Watford’s bike share scheme: getting ready to launch - Beryl Bikes,
including a chance to see the Beryl electric bike - 20 mins, 6.35–6.55pm
3. Watford cycle tour – Spokes A journey around Watford by bike - 30 mins, 6.55–7.25pm
4. Watford Cycle Hub: Getting ready for the new building this spring - 20 mins, 7.25–7.45pm
5. AOB: - 15 mins, 7.45–8.00pm
4. Watford Cycle Hub: Getting ready for the new building this spring - 20 mins, 7.25–7.45pm
5. AOB: - 15 mins, 7.45–8.00pm