From 12.30 p.m.
A National Bike Week Gathering, all are welcome.
Meet at Chipperfield Common or join one of our led rides to the Common
Following the success of last years SPOKES Anniversary Gathering all are invited to join our National Bike Week Gathering this year. SPOKES will be offering led rides for Members and family from various locations to the Gathering at Chipperfield Common and we have invited other local cycling organisations to take part with their own led rides to Chipperfield Common. The SPOKES rides will be posted on this web site and Lets Ride towards the end of April.
The plan is to gather on the common from about 12.30 p.m. with a mass photo shoot at 1.30 p.m. It is a social afternoon, bring your own picnics or buy refreshment from the various establishments around the common. We expect a large number of cyclists to be taking part.
If you are a SPOKES Member and would like to lead a ride to the common please put the ride details in our Google Rides Calendar at: SPOKES Calendar - Google Sheets
If you are not a SPOKES Member but wish to join one of our our rides to the Common why not join us? There is a modest subscription of £12 pa (£3 for subsequent family members in the same household). You'll find details in the "Join Spokes" tab on this website, you will also find our Spring Programme of planned rides in the "Rides and Events" tab, these rides are open to non Members.