From 8.00pm
Social chat about Spokes Ride Leading
Meet at The Red House Pub, Watford Road, Croxley Green
If you are a Spokes Ride Leader or interested in offering Spokes Rides please join me for a sociable Ride Leaders Gathering. The Red House is is near Croxley Met, Station. Car Park and places to secure bikes at the pub (locks needed).
We will discuss leading Spokes rides, including reviewing the take up of various types, and consider the nature of future rides. Nick, the Watford Hub Rides Coordinator has been invited to join us to discuss cooperation between Spokes and the Hub, to the benefit of both organisations.
Not sure about Ride Leading? This is a good opportunity to find out more from current experienced Leaders, without commitment.
If you wish to contact me email rides@spokesgroup.org.uk or phone me using the contact number in the Winter News Letter. No need to book, just turn up, you will be most welcome.