To Ralph Sangster, Cabinet member for Highways, Hertfordshire County Council.
On behalf of SPOKES a local cycling group with 200 members in Watford & Three Rivers, I have been asked to contact you about what appears to be the chaotic state on the Watford High St particularly for cyclists. Many members have expressed concern & cannot understand how they are supposed to use the road.
Normally when changes are made to the local Highways that will effect cyclists we are consulted & normally we respond. We have not been consulted in any way about what is happening on the Lower High St.
We appreciate it is a difficult road to manage & use particularly for pedestrians & cyclists. But the current arrangement is inconsistent & dangerous.
If we were told there was a plan to make continuous shared use paths on both side of the road that may be acceptable if safe interim measures were provided. But at present we appear to have mismatch of advised cycle routes that are not continuous & create dangerous situations.
I will be pleased if I, & others can have an explanation for what is planned & how the route should be used. You may appreciate there is a very limited choice of routes Bushey & Watford & due consideration should be given to safe cycling routes. I believe that in the LTP walking & cycling should have a higher priority in the future, particularly if congestion is to be reduced.
Below I have shown Photographs & comments indicating the current situation
Please view the series of photographs taken for travelling up the Lower High St from Bushey Arches – Cycling on the west side of Lower High St.
The shared-use path now finishes. Pedestrians directed to cross the Lower High St.
No indication where cyclists should go. Most will cycle onto the road
1 Looking North- Between Arches & Dalton Way
Junction to Dalton Way. Previously you could walk or cycle vie a dropped kerb onto the shared-use path & continue up the Lower High St. The dropped kerb needs to be replaced & a safe pedestrian/cycling route established across this traffic light controlled junction.
Looking North by Dalton Way
Looking North between Dalton Way & B&Q
Looking North. View from East side of the Lower High St. How do you get across the road ? even if you were on the east side.
Looking south along the shared-use path by the B&Q entrance from the Lower High St.
See the dropped kirb on this end of the shared use path. New sign advising to cross the road, but no crossing.
I hope to have a response in the near future
Roger Bangs – SPOKES